UTRADE. Online trading made easy.Know what's happening in the market at your finger tips! Stay ahead of the market in keeping track of your portfolio positions and place the "Stop Loss and Limit" CFD orders at the levels you desire. Analyze charts with technical indicators and news to take immediate action on trading opportunities anywhere on the go.
Find these interesting features in our UTRADE CFD Mobile App.:
- Monitor Market activity on the go- Analyze charts by inserting your desired technical indicator- Buy or Short Sell instantly according to your strategy- Place the Stop loss to help you stay on top of your positions and save the hassle of constantly monitoring them- View your portfolio performance, profit & loss and margin utilization- Allows you to switch between Apps as it will keep running in the background for at least 20 minutes
CFD are leveraged products and can result in losses that exceed your initial deposit. CFD trading may not be suitable for every investor, please ensure that you have fully understood the risks involved. You may contact us at +65 6536 9338 or visit our website at www.utrade.com.sg to view our Terms and Conditions.